Reinvigorate your office or store.

Your business location is often your first impression. If you're leasing a new office space, developing a retail presence, or looking to improve the ecological footprint of your operations, we can help. We have been creating innovative commercial projects that push, innovate and delight our clients for twenty years.

We like to engage our clients in a unique creative process designed to develop a design specifically and ideally suited to your needs and preferences. It starts with a conversation about you and your business. In the early phases, we expose you to multiple creative ideas in a manner that allows you to feel free to accept or reject a particular direction. Our creative process often uncovers ways to use inexpensive techniques in "expensive looking" ways.

Even if you already have an architect, we can help. Let us work with you and your architect to enhance your project with energy-saving systems, time-saving construction methods and healthy indoor materials.

Ways we can help you
  • Helping your architect or designer select innovative, green and healthy materials.
  • Conducting an energy audit of your existing office to identify ways to improve operations.

Select Consulting Projects & Clients
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Research Areas

The focus of our research efforts continually expands as we target new topics annually. For cutting edge data on renewable energy, sustainable redevelopment, and more, explore our industry intelligence.

Book a Consultation

You can tap into our expertise right now. Even if you need just a few of hours of advice, we're here to help. Schedule a consultation right now. Often you can find an opening the next day.

Tap Into Our Expertise

If you're renovating your offices, planning a move or greening your operations, you can get many of your questions answered in one of Eric's books. Grab your copy today!

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